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Gymnastics this weekend!

September 26, 2017

We will be covering the 2017 Houston Judges Cup hosted by Woodlands Gymnastics Academy this weekend (September 30-October 1.) This is always a fun meet, with a cool theme and neat activities at awards time.  I hope each of you has a safe trip to and from the meet, lots of fun at the meet,and an awesome meet as you compete.  This year's theme is "Girls Just Want to Have Fun! 80's style . . .".  Be sure to stop by my booth and say HI!  Be sure you get a meet flyer and register AT THE MEET for some of the best deals we have ever offered (three awesome deals that are ONLY available while the meet is happening--You snooze, you lose--Don't miss out!)

Several gyms which are traditionally at this meet are still closed from Hurricane Harvey. Please continue to remember, pray for, and financially suport (if you are able) the relief efforts to help our friends at those gyms. See the fundraising page for the Gymnastics Association of Texas at www.gatx.org. Also see more information at the Texas USAG site:www.txusag.com. Thanks for your help!

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