"Flow" Digital Painting Style
The "Flow" style of Digital Painting involves me painting the background with long, smooth strokes of color which follow the lines of the gymnast's body or which illustrate the motion of the gymnast. Using this style, I do away with the noisy and distracting background (the crowd, the banners on the wall of the gym, other gymnasts, or equipment in the gym).
People repeatedly ask me if we remove the backgrounds from all the images in the basic at-the-meet package of downloadable images. The answer is no. The downloadable image package is designed to be the most economical way for parents to get images of their gymnast. The package contains every image we capture of a gymnast (almost always 30 or more images per routine, and sometimes as many as 50-60 per routine). If ordered at the meet, that package is $59 for an individual gymnast (whole team packages are much less than that).
Some of our more sophisticated products (our Posters and some of the Digital Paintings) are designed to de-emphasize, blur, or remove/replace the original backgrounds. The "Flow" Digital Painting style is one such product.

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