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Gymnast Digital Paintings-Out of the Box Style

June 1, 2020

The Digital Painting in this blog post is the style I call "Out of the Box".  

I have offered a single Digital Painting style for several years.  Beginning in March of this year, I developed several new styles.  There are now five different painting styles which I am developing, and I'll share them as time goes on.  Normally an 11x14 Digital Painting on artist's canvas sells for about $400.  I create a number of these each season.  

Several people have asked me how their gymnast can be featured in one of these Digital Paintings.  At first, I had no answer for them.  The beauty of these paintings had always begun with me selecting the image that created an emotion in me.  I was afraid parents would select something that didn't inspire me, and that the end product would simply become routine.  I think, though, that I have figured out a way to keep all the paintings fresh and still allow a parent to commission a painting of his or her gymnast.  If you are willing to allow me to select the image and to use the final painting as part of my sample gallery, I'll create a Digital Painting for you on an 11x14 artist's canvas for $159 plus tax.  Here's how it will work:

1.  Let me know you are interested.  Go to my home page and click "Contact Us".  Type "Covid-19 Painting Request" in the subject line.  Tell me the name of the meet in which your gymnast competed, your gymnast's full name, the gym for which your gymnast competes, and the session in which he/she competed.  I'll find the images and select one that I'd love as my subject image and a suggested style I envision for the Digital Painting.  You will get to approve my ideas before anything else happens.

2.  When we have agreed on an image and a style of painting, I'll email you an invoice.  When the invoice is paid, I'll begin work on your Digital Painting.  Most of these are finished in 10-14 days.

3.  Upon completion, I'll give you a chance to approve the final Art Piece before I send it to the lab for production.  I'll have the lab print it on artist's canvas and ship it to you rolled up in a shipping tube.   I'll ship it directly to your address.  When you receive it, take it to your nearest Hobby Lobby to mount and frame.  They can do it for FAR less than my lab would charge!   I'll ship it directly to your address.  

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